Everything at a glance
Individual Competition
What runs are there?
There is an Agility 3 and a Jumping 3 as a qualification run. The final will be held as an Open run.
Qualification for the individual final
→ the best 10% of the Larges out of Agility 3 and also Jumping 3
→ the best 15% of the Intermediates out of Agility 3 and also Jumping 3
→ the best 15% of the Mediums out of Agility 3 and also Jumping 3
→ the best 15% of the Smalls out of Agility 3 and also Jumping 3
The calculation is always rounded up to the next full counter. If teams qualify twice the next teams from the lower-ranked run will move up.

Golden Time
In addition there is the following option to reach the individual final:
→ the starter with the fastest time (Golden Time) per size out of the Agility 3 run
→ the starter with the fastest time (Golden Time) per size out of the Jumping 3 run
Hat der jeweilige Gewinner ebenso die schnellste Zeit, entfällt ein Nachrutschen. Starter mit der Golden Time qualifizieren sich zusätzlich zu den oben angegebenen Prozenten für das Finale.
If the respective winner also has the fastest time no one will be considered anymore. Starters with the Golden Time qualify for the finals in addition to the percentages given above.
Individual Final
An Open will be run and judged according to normal rules.